Eye Spy Camberwell will be a cartoon illustration of a Camberwell street scene containing 26 hidden items, using alphabetical clues the viewer is challenged to find everything from Astronaut to Zonkey. The illustration and alphabetical clues is available to view on online so people can play at home during this period of social distancing.
The scene he hopes to create will be a fantastical and fun imagining of Camberwell and will also feature guest appearances by characters from some of Frog’s many previous Camberwell Arts performances, including The Camberwell Spaceman (2013), The Beast of Camberwell Green (2014), Sweet Wrapper Stained Glass Tiger (2015), Shopping Santa (2015), the Camber Well (2018), Balloon Emojis (2017 – 2019), Giant Piñata (2019) and the Mexican Wresting Bingo Caller (2012).
The project will provide a memento of this unusual time in the 26-year run of Camberwell Arts as well as being fun educational game in keeping with the 2020 alphabet theme.
Frog Morris will introduce his artwork with a live, online quiz on Wednesday 17th June, from 8pm.
Commissioned by Camberwell Arts
© 2025 Frog Morris | Webdeisgn by Purple Network